Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Didn't Even Know

So I guess Sarah Silverman and Jimmy Kimmel broke up. Who knew they were even a couple (for five frickin' years)? Not I. Not I. Clearly, I am not spending enough time following celebrity romances--time to start the subscription to US Magazine. Really, though, I should pay more attention to Sarah Silverman--funny and smart and irreverent and good-lookin'. Generally, people are attracted to those they find funny--and SS's comedic talents make her that much more appealing. Really, what the hell was she doing with Kimmel? She must have thought he was very funny. Beauty in the eye of the beholder they say. Maybe they broke up because she didn't find him funny anymore. Or maybe it's because she's f***ing Matt Damon.

1 comment:

Roman V. Lelefski said...

Silverman's got a nice face but one look at those arms will tell you, the bitch's esthetician works hard for the money honey. I'm talking hirsute to the max.