Monday, July 14, 2008

It's Milk!

I agree with and enjoy most of the responses Miss Conduct offers in the Boston Sunday Globe Magazine. But her thoughts in "Where Breast Milk Shouldn't Go" piss me right off. A woman writes in complaining of a coworker who, after pumping some breast milk at work, keeps it (labeled) in the employee fridge. Miss Conduct says the milk-pumping mom's "behavior" is "seriously inappropriate." Attitudes like these (and H.M. in Quincy's), which shun and discourage breast-feeding moms, set up roadblocks (as though there weren't enough--financial, cultural, societal) for women trying to do the best for their babies. In what way is breast milk in a refrigerator "seriously inappropriate (behavior)"? Because it is "bodily fluid"? It's a BOTTLE OF MILK. That's it. What is cow milk? The bodily fluid of an animal--most likely an animal hopped up on growth hormones. What if it were a bottle of formula? Would the childless women be made uncomfortable then, too? Would she consider it "seriously inappropriate"? The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies breast-feed for at least one year. And breast-feeding mothers provide their offspring what they need most as they develop and grow. Attitudes need to change. Women should be allowed to breast-feed in public, and, by all means, allowed to store some milk in the company fridge. And what's up with this Facebook shit?


Roman V. Lelefski said...

I totally I agree. In fact, I would like to be breast fed in public, then spanked, then have my diaper changed.

Anonymous said...

Hard to disagree. I liked that Facebook picture...maybe it's 'cuz I like boobs.