Sunday, August 10, 2008

Olympics Dos

The other day, after remembering a small detail from a conversation we'd had days before and in response to my awe, my son said, "I have a hundred of stuff in my brain." That's sort of how I feel when I try to wrap my head around the 2008 Olympic Games. Heavy on the one hand are the Chinese Government's human rights violations (horrific and bizarre) and the country's growing energy consumption and pollution, and on the other hand are the struggles and sacrifices and successes of the thousands of athletes from around the world. Do the atrocities and tragedies outweigh the inspirations? Certainly. Can I effect change in Chinese policy with a personal boycott of the games? I doubt it. One must hope that ignorance defines the allowance of abuse. And perhaps these games can reveal...and effect change. Read two articles: one (from The Boston Globe) reveals something; the other (from The Maine Sunday Telegram) does nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is profound.